16 May 2010

Go fly a kite

My poor SLR camera continues to be neglected and this is another photo from my Blackberry. I can't remember the last time I posted a photo here that was not from my phone. I guess it just goes along with my motto for the year that sometimes near enough really is good enough. 

Being overcast and a little cool, it was the perfect day for the annual Redcliffe Kite Fest. It sure has grown since the days when I used to live and the Cliffe with markets, rides stunt planes and the sky divers landing in the next park. 

I bought some pretty for H from a Sunshine Coast company, Little People. Their garments are made locally and are just too divine.

Now I am off on a Mummy daughter date with G, to fly a kite.

1 comment:

  1. Would you look at those gorgeous clothes....what did you get?
    Hope you and G enjoyed flying a kite.

    XX Love


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