20 July 2008

This Is... What Makes Me Happy

My life makes me happy. I have my health, wonderful family and fantastic friends. I am not hungry and my drinking water is clean. I am not too hot or cold and no one is hurting me. The only fear I live in is things I put into my own mind or if I get sucked into watching the news. I am able to be at home with my children, but have the freedom to be able to work outside the home if that is what I desire.

I know, another cheesy post from me this week, but I really am a happy camper at this point in my life.

Thanks to Jacinta and Angela.


  1. Not cheesy! Beautiful reminders of why we should all be grateful - thanks Lisa!

  2. I agree-not cheesy-just honest and uplifting.

  3. Sounds as if you are in a good and grateful place. Many people are IN good places, but don't recognize that. It's good to hear you actually state it. Hugs.

  4. Absolutely! We are all very lucky and should be happy for these very reasons....

  5. I love it. Made me happy just to read it.

  6. Very true. The news and our own power to bring on fear. So very true.

  7. This is a lovely honest reflection..if it's cheesy & it's not! Then I like cheesy...mmm and cheese for that matter of fact..but now I'm getting random!

  8. you have a lot to be happy about :)


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